Saturday, July 4, 2009

An Eclipse 3.5 Galileo is here !

An Eclipse Galileo 3.5

What's new in the latest version of the open source multipurpose IDE and application platform

Galileo is the simultaneous release of 33 major Eclipse projects. The Eclipse Foundation states that the Galileo release train consists of 33 projects. However, some are subprojects that are rolled up into projects, and not all projects are highlighted in the Eclipse Foundation's marketing push. Regardless, Galileo represents the largest single release of new technology to date.

The important thing to remember about Galileo in particular and Eclipse release trains in general is that even though it's a simultaneous release, it doesn't mean these projects are unified. Each project is a separate open source project, operating with its own project leadership, its own committers, and its own development plan. The release train concept is designed to provide a transparent and predictable development cycle.

Get Galileo

There are two main ways to get Galileo. The first — and recommended — way is to just grab a package relevant to you. The other way to get Galileo is to use an update site.


Go to the Eclipse Galileo Packages site. The packages site contains nine pre-bundled versions of Galileo specific for your needs.

Galileo update site

To get Galileo using an update site, download the Eclipse V3.5 SDK. Once this is done, you can launch Eclipse and access the software-update mechanism via Help > Software Updates (see Figure 2). Enter the proper Galileo update site information, if it isn't already available as the Galileo Discovery Site. Once you are connected to the Galileo update site, you should see the list of available features that are part of the Galileo release train. It's as simple as that. Once you're connected, you can simply choose what features to install into your Eclipse.

Figure 2. Software updates

The projects

The Eclipse ecosystem is a large and sometimes intimidating place. About 100 projects are being overseen by the Eclipse Foundation, and the Galileo release only represents a snapshot of that. The Galileo release train showcases Eclipse technology and helps adopters integrate Eclipse technology into their products. For more information about the Galileo projects, see the links below.

ProjectSynopsisWeb site
Accessibility Tools Framework (ACTF)Build applications and content for people with disabilities
Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT)Generate reports
C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT)Code C/C++
Data Tools Platform (DTP)Extensible frameworks and tools
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)Modeling framework and code generation facility
Eclipse Packaging ProjectCreate, download, and install packages
Eclipse PlatformCore frameworks and services
EquinoxImplementation of the OSGi R4 core framework spec
Graphical Editor Framework (GEF)Develop graphical applications
Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF)Develop graphical editors
Java™ Workflow Tooling (JWT)Toolset for workflows and processes from design to monitoring
Java Development Tools (JDT)Develop Java applications
Java Emitter Templates (M2T JET)Generate textual artifacts from models
Memory AnalyzerFind memory leaks and reduce memory consumption
Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ)Extend Eclipse frameworks to support mobile device Java application development
MylynMonitors your work to make the GUI relevant to what you're doing
PHP Development Tools (PDT)Code PHP
Rich Ajax Platform (RAP)Code Ajax
SCA ToolsTools for the Service Component Architecture standard
SOA ToolsCode Service-Oriented Architecture apps
SwordfishExtensible SOA framework
Target ManagementConfigure and manage remote systems
Test and Performance Tools Platform Project (TPTP)Tooling for profiling and testing applications
Textual Modeling Framework (Xtext)Code external textual DSLs
Tools for mobile Linux (TmL)Code mobile applications
Web Tools Platform (WTP)Code Web and Java EE applications

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